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Hello guys this is your expert of beautiful life....enjoy!


Taken on my own house!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Unique Toilet....

Hey guys did you know that you can decorate your own toilet? Look what ive found its very unique toilet and you know guys this toilet was automatic flasher yes it amazing ill never see this before and when i saw this ill put an idea that we can create something in our house or inside in our house specially in the toilet!Yeah...i like decorating too if you can see my living room i decorate this own my own and its so beautiful but when the times i saw this toilet theres some idea that create in my mind......You what you think?

Philippines Beaches

Hello there i want to show you you like beaches? Well if is,,im like it too in my country {philippines}theres a lot of beaches you can find the water was cleard,air was cool and the food was so good,theres a lot of popular beaches in the philippines like 'palawan,cebu,mindoro and boracay those beaches was so popular, theres a lot of visitors visiting to those popular beaches that i mentioned.....because of the weather the philippines got a beautiful beaches have its always summer here only here you can found a lot of fruits and juices{including the swettiest coconut}and its a nice to choose when you go to the beaches,,You can enjoy the nature of the Philippine island!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hey guys didnt you know that one of the most important things in our life is water?Yes its water that every day needs of our body,drink lots of lots of water its good for our health dont forget to drink at least 8 bottles a day or more much better!Try to drink mineral water its cleans our internal body see the details above what kind of water is the best to drink for you.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Allow me to advice you about your lovelife!

Hey guys theres a problem about your lovelife?Take it from me...allow me to resolve your problem about your hearth problem we can fix it....just rigth me and tell the whole story and we can fix the problem about you lovelife,pls. dont hesitate to tell the story of your problem we can manage your privacy,dont forget[love is in the air]


Hello there if you have facebook account just add me invite to be your friend and i accept you guys my account name was sophia masangkay fatima thanks.....

How beautiful life is....because of her!

Im talking about our mother...without her my life was empty i dont know how to survive without my mother you know what im saying,ive learn a lot about life because of her she is the best mom i ever life was ups and down but still my mom was never stop to support me and i feel thet anything can happen she's still there for so thankful to god for givin me a mother like her and me myself ive never stop loving her shes more than a diamond for me! You guys out there love your mother cause you didnt know how they suffer for us to live dont hesitate to say you love her we dont have life without our mother say sorry if we have a mistaken shes only the one who understand for you and she will be comport you!

how to become a sexy?

Its easy all you have to do is check your everyday meals just erase the food had lots of cholesterol and if you had a time just go exercise specially in the morning 20 to 30 min. as possible,always check your weight as long as possible everyday.....sleep at least 8hours a day do this and after a week you can see the difference!

about my beautiful life

How beautiful life is, you dont know what happen in your life everyday or what happen the next day in your life,every single day its so colorful the ups and sure you have an experience too in your life but the good things is we have an option there always a second chance right? Just enjoy our life what ever or anything happen either good or bad as long as we live theres a hope and thats what we have to learn about hope just go on and on dont lost hope we are a living things we do mistaken in our lives,everybody had a mistaken in there lives but the most important thing is theres always a second chance!Feel free always.